Local Connections ‘ is a collaborative project between artists from Print Van Go, the travelling Print Studio and the Local Link Tipperary Bus Service. The project ran from August to October in 2020 along a number of the Local Link Tipperary routes.
The focus of the project was to explore the significance of our local bus service and see into its potential to capture and share the stories and experiences of the people and the places it links.
The target audience was Local Link Tipperary passengers, mostly older people living in rural areas. It was decided to use printed materials and objects themselves to open up conversations with the community while sharing creative experiences with the Local Link staff and bus users.
The final part of this project is a local link letterboxing activity, an outdoor treasure hunt/activity linked to the Local Link bus routes. The intention for this activity is to act as a creative invitation to others as well as an artistic output.
Please see link below for futher information.